Saturday, August 4, 2012


Herro. I've had a bad week. Like, BAD. My boyfriend is in the hospital at the moment in critical condition, and I'm not allowed to visit. :/

But anyway, let's get to the slightly crappy and rushed shit that I've made this week.


Everyone loves Badtz-Maru. I just wish I hadn't fucked him up so bad :/

Mickey. Eh.

A stick with poo. How fun.

I actually think this VERY UNORIGINAL kitty looks cute, but would probably look cuter floating in the air like Chibiusa in Sailor Moon's cat.

Aaaaand shirts. Eh.

Thought it would look cool. Though it was honestly a huge pain in the ass to get it lined up.

Frog. Looks fat.

My favourite thing I've made today. Idk if they're candies or whatever. But they look mental.

Why did I make this considering the abundance of skull stamps in the FDS? I don't fucking know.

Again lining this shit up was a pain.

Okay that's all for today. Follow me on Twitter.